Log in to Moodle with your social account
Oauth2 authentication plugin
…it supports Google, Facebook, Github, Linkedin, Dropbox, Microsoft, Battle.net, and VK!
1 click login.
- Universities use the plugin to let their teachers and students authenticate with their Google apps accounts. No password, no username to enter.
- Massive online courses sites use the plugin to allow fast account creation from the user social account information.
- download the plugin from the Moodle.org plugin repository page
- add the plugin into /auth/googleoauth2/
- in the Moodle administration, enable the plugin (Admin block > Plugins > Authentication)
- in the plugin settings, follow the displayed instructions.
Please refer to the FAQ for any questions. Then browse the issues and search for your problem. It is likely you will find a solution to your problem there.
Big thanks for the support I received from
- Moodle HQ: during a project week at HQ, I fixed many issues on the plugin.
- Elearning Experts LLC for contracting me to fix a critical issue on the plugin.
- the backers!
Thanks to
You need custom services? Contact me at [email protected]